Dr. Vinograd's Holistic Approach to Dentistry
For too long the traditional dental approach has been quite an isolationist one. We treat the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth, often forgetting the fact that the oral cavity is critically interconnected to every other aspect of the patient.
Dental materials have been mostly developed and rated based on their physical and aesthetic properties; their resistance of abrasion and mastication forces, color, translucency etc.
It is with uneasiness with such a Newtonian approach that I committed myself to a larger, more bio-compatible and bio-aware approach to the way I practice dentistry.
Observing my patients often improve systemically, when treated with a more integrative paradigm has been very rewarding.
Daniel Vinograd D.D.S., N.M.D.
Member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
USC School of Dentistry